For Business

Are you a member yet?
If you produce, serve, or showcase local food in the Kawartha Region, you can be a member.
So You Think You Want to Farm?
Are you an aspiring farmer interested in starting a farming business? This webinar series will help you assess…
Always In Season Toolkit
Supporting agriculture, local food and local beverage processors has never been more important. Through Canadian Agricultural Partnership funding,…
Announcing the launch of the new and improved
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) and Kawartha Lakes Economic Development are excited to announce the launch…
Support for Kawartha Lakes Businesses
The City of Kawartha Lakes Economic Development Officer for Agriculture is available for one-on-one consultation with businesses in the agriculture and food sector.
Support for Peterborough Businesses
The Rural Economic Development Officer for Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) is available for one-on-one consultation…
Agricultural Business Management
Whether you are interested in starting a new farm, making changes to your existing farm, or building your food processing business…
Coming Soon! Farm Financial Management Course
We are converting a recently held and well received training program into a self-directed on-line course.
Value-Added Business Information
A value-added business is generally the transformation of a product or commodity from its original purpose to another…
Direct Farm Marketing
Direct farm marketing requires being much more involved in the marketing and sale of a product to the end user – the consumer – than conventional primary production agriculture.