Blossom Hill Nursery
We have added a honey bee apiary to Blossom Hill! We sell our own honey, queens, nucleus colonies, beeswax candles and other related products in additions to our Peonies, Delphiniums and other hardy perennials. Display gardens are open by appointment.
Blossom Hill specializes in delphiniums and peonies. Our perennials including delphiniums and peonies are grown in our own fields. Peonies are only available as bare root plants in the fall. This is the best time of year to propagate them. We do NOT grow or sell micro-propagated peonies. We offer mail order services to Canadian destinations, as well as direct sales from our home. Many years ago, we added British strain Delphinium elatum to our gardens. They possess stronger stems, larger florets and are hardier than other Delphinium elatum. We have been hybridizing our own strain ever since. Our delphiniums have won the only two Bronze Medals from The Delphinium Society (UK) awarded in Canada.
Things to know